Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Media - Research Paper Example The content of the posts on the social media account also adds to the success of the channel of advertising. They should be enjoyable, clear, and informative to the audience not only on the product and sales but also on other aspects. Quotes and jokes are included in the posts to ensure that they are interesting; hence, they attract maximum followers. Being relevant and current is also an important component of social media advertising. Content is frequently updated to ensure that it makes sense mainly depending on the audience. Additionally, it reduces the risk of monotony that not only leads to reduced followers but also loss of the potential buyers to consume the product (Evans, & Mckee, 2010).. Conciliation- When using this method to solve a dispute, the third party gives offers on the solution that vary depending on the variables of the conflict. Law provisions are considered in conciliation (Wankel, Marovich, & Stanaityte, 2010). The best method of resolving customer disputes occurring from purchases from social media provided business links should be negotiation. This is because it offers the best for both parties after negotiating the most favorable terms. The method also ensures that the solution will enhance a stronger bond between social media and business. The federal government can best control the transactions on social media by regulating the number of viewers of the social media posts. Federal government regulates and monitors the number of viewers the sales will also be regulated. The government also introduces policies, rules and procedures to be followed by the firms that use the social media for advertising and selling of either goods or services. The three main branches of government are the executive, judiciary, and the legislature. Making laws is the main function of the legislature (Lathrop, & Ruma, 2010).
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Change Management Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Change Management Plan - Research Paper Example However, this leadership position was short-lived since towards the end of the 20th century, a company called Google emerged and gave Yahoo tough competition for its share in the Silicon Valley, especially after the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000 (The Guardian, 2008). Google soon gained an upper hand over Yahoo through its effective policies and talented personnel and Yahoo has not been able to gain its initial top ranking to date. The HR policy that this report proposes to change is that of ‘stack ranking’ or ‘Quarterly Performance Review’. The employee appraisal process was introduced by CEO Marissa Mayer in late 2013, and required that managers rate their employees on the basis of meeting their goals from a scale of 1 to 5. This system is an adaptation of GE’s forced ranking system (Pfeffer and Sutton, 2006) and here too some employees are forced to fall into the lowest category, even if they did not miss any goals. Since the lowest 5% percent employees have to suffer adverse consequences, including firing, this system seems unfair to many and raises questions about Mayer’s policies. According to Forbes (2013), more than 600 employees were fired because they had gotten low scores in two quarters of appraisals, which does not necessarily mean that they were poor performers, only that there were others (possibly) better than them. The forced ranking system was adopted because of its claimed benefits of eliminating inflated ratings and proving as a check and balance system (Grote, 2005), but for Yahoo it appears to be more troublesome than beneficial. Owing to the adverse effects that Mayer’s QPR is having on employee morale and motivation, it is proposed that the forced ranking system should be discontinued and the performance appraisal process should be modified in order to make it employee friendly. The ranking scale of meeting goals (from ‘misses’ to ‘exceeds’) should
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Future World Energy Crisis
The Future World Energy Crisis Nowadays, energy has been depicted as a basic need in the human life. For example, to type this paper I need electrical energy for computer, lighting, air conditioner, etc. from this example, its clear that we need so much energy for doing something that is simple like typing. From paragraph above we can see that humans need much energy for doing their activity even its only one activity. If we look closer into this activity, we need more than just one kind of energy. This means, we need tremendous amount of energy to just do a simple thing like making report or paper, actually if there is no energy. Definition From those examples, we can define that energy is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by a force, an attitude of objects and systems that is subject to a conversion law, it is required to do any kind of activity, and even just for reading this paper we need some amount of energy. In general energy is a really important part of our life. Forms of Energy Energy can be divided into many kinds, according to the criteria there is different forms of energy include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, and electromagnetic energy, there is still another type of energy that are indirectly shown in our lives for chemical energy Think about it, if one single daily activity we need so much energy, than we need more energy to do all of our activity in a single day. So, its obvious that the energy will soon depleted, considering that we use so much energy in one day, or even at only one hour. By looking at this fact, the world surely will face an energy crisis soon. Kind of energy sources There are several kinds of energy sources that scientist has divided energy into classified two categories by their renewability, which are not renewable energy source (hard energy technology) and renewable energy source (soft energy technology). Not renewable energy source are the source of energy that needs a very long time to regenerate, for example: crude oil, charcoal, and earth gas. Coal, for example, needs about more than million years to be available again, the process from the plants for fossilize, creating coal. Meanwhile renewable energy source are the source of energy that always be available with a huge amount and almost limitless, this energy source is either too many or very quickly to regenerate, for example: solar energy, wind, hydro, and biomass. For example, wind is a renewable energy, because wind will never depleted, no matter how much wind that you use, another example is solar energy, which we can use solar as an energy source. Not renewable energy source can be depleted since the rate of their utilization far exceeds the rate at which they are formed. This source of energy is the ones that we use in global scale because their energy is larger than the ones from renewable energy The renewable solar energy is subdivided into direct and indirect types. Sunlight that used directly can produce electricity, heat or derive a chemical reaction. It is used indirectly when it drives other processes, biological chemical or climatic mechanical, which in turn are used as the sources of energy. The energy sources can be classified in a number of ways based on the nature of their transaction, as commercial and noncommercial sources of energy. All energy resources, particularly the commercial ones, are natural. Coal, oil and nuclear sources constitute commercial sources, while firewood, biomass and animal dung constitute non-commercial sources. Also, the energy sources are classified based on animate and inanimate characteristics. Energy sources could also be classified as exhaustible/depletable or non-depletable/renewable resources. The distinguishing feature of an exhaustible resource is that, it gets exhausted when used as an input of a production process, and at the same time, its undisturbed role of growth is nil. That is if the temporal services provided by a given stock of an exhaustible resource are finite. Nowadays, people tend to use un-renewable energy, since it is much easier to process and easier to use. However, we cant keep this forever, because our energy need keep increasing from time to time, while the source of energy are slow to regenerate. The result will be quite fatal, as there will no more energy source available to be used, for instance, the oil reserves in the world would be depleted, it would be happen about 32 years from now if the use of oil on the constant rate. Energy crisis in very dangerous and must be prevented at all cost. It can create disaster; as the energy still needed by human; and declination of world economics and quality of life. For example if there is no more oil, then we cannot use transportations, and then business will be plummeted since goods can no longer be transported. Without electricity, we almost cannot operate anything that needs electricity, like example: computer, hand phone, and other things. Imagine todays world, without any electricity, then our live would be miserable because almost of the invention need electricity. To avoid this crisis, scientist is trying to develop technology which can be used to utilize the un-renewable energy. Although it is a little late, as the use of oil and another un-renewable energy reserve were depleted, there is a hope for this method to succeed. This breakthrough in renewable energy utilization is aiming at energy conservation. By using renewable energy instead of that, we can acquire unlimited amount source of energy, and without fearing that it may depleted. Lately the vital source of our energy, mainly oil and coal, are in danger. Unless we found such way using alternative energy to replace its function, we will face the energy shortage, our civilization would be crippled, and thats why we need to pay close attention of how we use a device with this kind of energy as its source. In nowadays we still use the energy, but the need of the energy isnt turning down but rather increasing, this is the causes of energy crisis in future, and also there are some problems like war or terrorist attack (i.e. oil field that got burned,), etc. Energy Crisis An energy crisis is any great bottleneck (or price rise) in the supply of energy resources to an economy. In popular literature though, it often refers to one of the energy sources used at a certain time and place, it has about to come for about 30 years later (if the rate use of energy is constant) then there would be peak oil or oil crisis age, about 40-50 years later there wouldnt be any more cheap energy or rather there wouldnt be any energy left for use. Historical Crises 1970s Energy Crisis Cause: peaking of oil production in major industrial nations (Germany, U.S., Canada, etc.) and embargos from other producers 1973 oil crisis Cause: an OPEC oil export embargo by many of the major Arab oil-producing states, in response to western support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War 1979 oil crisis Cause: the Iranian revolution 1990 spike in the price of oil Cause: the Gulf War The 2000-2001 California electricity crisis Cause: failed deregulation, and business corruption. The UK fuel protest of 2000 Cause: Raise in the price of crude oil combined with already relatively high taxation on road fuel in the UK. North American natural gas crisis Argentine energy crisis of 2004 North Korea has had energy shortages for many years. Zimbabwe has experienced a shortage of energy supplies for many years due to financial mismanagement. Political riots occurring during the 2007 Burmese anti-government protests were sparked by rising energy prices. Energy shortages The crises that exist as of 2008 include: Oil price increases since 2003 Caused by continued global increases in petroleum demand coupled with production stagnation, the falling value of the U.S. dollar, and a myriad of other secondary causes. 2008 Central Asia energy crisis: caused by abnormally cold temperatures and low water levels in an area dependent on hydroelectric power. Despite having significant hydrocarbon reserves, in February 2008 the President of Pakistan announced plans to tackle energy shortages that were reaching crisis stage. At the same time the South African President was appeasing fears of a prolonged electricity crisis in South Africa. South African electrical crisis: The South African crisis, which may last to 2012, lead to large price rises for platinum in February 2008 and reduced gold production. China experienced severe energy shortages towards the end of 2005 and again in early 2008. During the latter crisis they suffered severe damage to power networks along with diesel and coal shortages. Supplies of electricity in Guangdong province, the manufacturing hub of China, are predicted to fall short by an estimated 10 GW. It has been predicted that in the coming years after 2009 that the United Kingdom will suffer an energy crisis due to its commitments to reduce coal fired power stations, its politicians unwillingness to set up new nuclear power stations to replaces those that will be de-commissioned in a few years (even though they will not be running in time to stop a full blown crisis) and unreliable sources and sources that are running out of oil and gas. It is therefore predicted that the UK may have regular blackouts like South Africa. Energy management An electricity shortage is felt most by those who depend on electricity for their heating, cooking and water supply. In these circumstances a sustained energy crisis may become a humanitarian crisis. If an energy shortage is prolonged a crisis management phase is enforced by authorities. Energy audits may be conducted to monitor usage. Various curfews with the intention of increasing energy conservation may be initiated to reduce consumption. To conserve power during the Central Asia energy crisis, authorities in Tajikistan ordered bars and cafes to operate by candlelight. [9] Warnings issued that peak demand power supply might not be sustained. In the worst kind of energy crisis energy rationing and fuel rationing may be incurred. Panic buying may beset outlets as awareness of shortages spread. Facilities close down to save on heating oil; and factories cut production and lay off workers. The risk of stagflation increases. Alternative energy sources Definition Alternative energy is an umbrella term that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the replaced fuels There are several definitions of the Alternative Energy which are: Oxford Dictionary energy fuelled in ways that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment. Princeton WordNet energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment. Responding to Climate Change 2007 energy derived from nontraditional sources (e.g., compressed natural gas, solar, hydroelectric, wind). Natural Resources Defense Council energy that is not popularly used and is usually environmentally sound, such as solar or wind energy (as opposed to fossil fuels). Materials Management Services Fuel sources that are other than those derived from fossil fuels. Typically used interchangeably for renewable energy. Examples include: wind, solar, biomass, wave and tidal energy. Torridge District Council Energy generated from alternatives to fossil fuel. Need not be renewable. The general Definition is an energy sources that can be used to replace un-renewable energy that are renewable but sometimes with side effect, sometimes alternative energy that wont create side effect are called Green energy. In response to the petroleum crisis, the principles of green energy and sustainable living movements gain popularity. This has led to increasing interest in alternate power/fuel research such as fuel cell technology, liquid nitrogen economy, hydrogen fuel, methanol, biodiesel, Karrick process, solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wave power, and wind energy, and fusion power. To date, only hydroelectricity and nuclear power have been significant alternatives to fossil fuel. Hydrogen gas is currently produced at a net energy loss from natural gas, which is also experiencing declining production in North America and elsewhere. When not produced from natural gas, hydrogen still needs another source of energy to create it, also at a loss during the process. This has led to hydrogen being regarded as a carrier of energy, like electricity, rather than a source. The unproven dehydrogenating process has also been suggested for the use water as an energy source. Efficiency mechanisms such as Negawatt power can encourage significantly more effective use of current generating capacity. It is a term used to describe the trading of increased efficiency, using consumption efficiency to increase available market supply rather than by increasing plant generation capacity. As such, it is a demand-side as opposed to a supply-side measure. Role of the Alternative Energy Alternative Energy are supposed to replace fuel but there are several effects as well, which are: Alternative Energy help our environment by not producing harmful emissions (some of them) because they doesnt create any pollutant It can be accessed anywhere on the planet with the right equipment It will create thousands of job opportunities It will save you a lot of budget (just for personal use) Consequences of using Alternative Energy Alternative Energy, which can replace un-renewable energy still have its own flaws, for example: some of them are theoretically flaw (it was impossible to do that or there still needed some research, etc.) or some of them are expensive, the energy source needs to be produced using high technology, the other reason is because the source only produce very small amount of energy that it doesnt enough to replace the fuel source Energy Saving Energy Consumption In some country there is daylight saving which is electricity saving in summer that the time in the some country are fast forwarded in some country, if the time is at 12:00 pm then the time in the clock is about 10-11:00 am. Some of the country doing some regulation to save the energy like regular blackout, use mass amount of solar panel, using recycled items, and use of wind energy (like in Dutch) Conclusion From the text above we can conclude that humans need to search for another energy sources (Alternative Energy).Its necessary because the energy will soon depleted, and without energy, there is nothing we can do. So if we start to search for alternate energy and do the energy saving then we can evade the worldwide energy crisis.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Importance of Aggression in Animal Existence Essay -- Aggression V
The Importance of Aggression in Animal Existence Aggression is a critical part of animal existence, which is an inherent driving force to humans, as we, too, are animals. The source of aggression within humans is a long summative list, but before trying to understand its source one must apply a working definition of aggression. Aggressive behavior is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as any action of an animal that serves to injure an opponent or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat. (7) David G. Myers states that aggression is any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy.(9) There are many types of aggressive behaviors, which can be differentiated from the factual act to the hidden motives. For example, an aggressive behavior can be negative or positive, accidental or intended, and physical or mental. Aggression can take numerous forms, the act of hitting a wall to release aggression has some of the same roots as playing football and enjoying hitting the quarterback. A child yelling at his parents could b e equated, in its aggressiveness, with hitting one’s horn when one is cut off on 495. Aggression is also a relative construct. What might seem like a terribly aggressive act to one person, most often the victim, might seem like an induced response to the perpetrator.(3) Psychologist Arlene Stillwell performed an experiment where she assigned ordinary college students at random to play the role of a victim or a perpetrator in a small incident. Then she asked the students to describe the situation that had just transpired. What she found was that both victims and perpetrators deformed the truth equally to present their sides in a better light. Victims would dwell on their lasting traumas from the incident while the perpetrator might make the act seem like a one-time action provoked by insurmountable circumstances. The resulting implication is that aggression is in the eye of the beholder.(3) Due to its relative nature aggression is extremely hard to isolate and study. Some acts are very easy to categorize as aggressive, a first degree murder or first degree rape, but is negligent manslaughter aggressive? The mere act of not shoveling one’s sidewalk might have the same effect as a cold-blooded murder but is it an aggressive act? For the purposes of this paper aggression will be related to the four conditions presented by Gerd... ...act stand alone, there is almost always mutual fault and/or shared blame. David Luckenbill found, in one of his studies, that the major part of criminal homicide revolved around some sort of reciprocal provocations in which collective hostility escalated until one person murdered the other.(3) Murray Straus found the same circumstance appeared in marital violence. In half of the reported cases of domestic violence it was found that both spouses were violent, it just tended to be that one person was considerably stronger than the other.(3) Aggressive behavior has been a huge part of humankind since people first starting walking somewhat erect. From our predecessor the "killer ape" to the intricacies of nuclear warfare. Whether it is a "caveman" clubbing his enemy for stealing his food, or a highly paid sniper sitting atop a roof waiting for a South American dictator to walk out of his house, aggression follows us wherever we might go. Aggression is a force that is hard to imagine and even harder to harness. Should people ever learn to control and thereby use their aggression towards greater good, the walls we now know would crumble easily under the forcing of such a force.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Agency Problem – Essay
I partially agree with the statement that managers have a severely limited amount of discretion to pursue actions inconsistent with shareholder wealth maximization. By investing in a company, shareholders aim to maximize their wealth and achieve portfolio diversification. The objective of managers is assumed to be to further these interests by maximizing the firm’s share value. This can be achieved by taking on projects with positive NPV and good management of short-term capital and long-term debt. However, shareholders and managers are assumed to want to maximize their utilities; so this objective may not always be the priority for managers as they may rather prefer to maximize their own wealth or further other personal interests of theirs. This conflict of interest between the two is an example of the principal agent problem. The principal agent problem occurs due to two reasons. The first is the separation of ownership from control – the principal or the shareholders may own a corporation but it is the agent or manager who holds control of it and acts on their behalf. This gives managers the power to do things without necessarily being ‘detected’ by shareholders. The second is that shareholders may not possess the same information as the manager. The manager would have access to management accounting data and financial reports, whereas the shareholders would only receive annual reports, which may be subject to manipulation. Thus asymmetric information also leads to moral hazard and adverse selection problems. The following are areas where the interests of shareholders and managers often conflict: Managers may try to expropriate shareholders’ wealth in a number of ways. They may over consume perks such as using company credit cards for personal expenses, jet planes etc. †¢Empire building: Managers may pursue a suboptimal expansion path for the firm. They may expand the firm at a rationally unfeasible rate in order to increase their own benefits at the cost of shareholders’ wealth. †¢Managers may be more risk ave rse than shareholders who typically hold diversified portfolios. †¢Managers may not have the same motivation as shareholders, likely due to a lack of proper incentives. Managers may window dress financial statements in order to optimize bonuses or justify sub optimal strategies The principal agent problem normally leads to agency costs. This has been identified by Jensen and Meckling(1976) as the sum of: 1. Monitoring costs: Costs incurred by the shareholders when they attempt to monitor or control the actions of managers. 2. Bonding costs: Bonding refers to contracts that bond agents' performance with principal interests by limiting or restricting the agent’s activity as a result. The cost of this to the manager is the bonding cost. 3. The residual loss: Costs incurred from divergent principal and agent interests despite the use of monitoring and bonding. However the manager’s discretion is quite limited in practice. There are a number of internal and external solutions to agency costs for shareholders. Internal: †¢Well-written contracts ensure that there are fewer opportunities for managers to over consume perks. †¢An external board of directors could be appointed to monitor the efforts and actions of managers. This board would have access to information and considerable legal authority over management. It could thus safeguard information and represent shareholder interests in the company. †¢The board could hire independent accountants to audit the firm’s financial statements. If the managers don’t agree to changes proposed by auditors, the auditors issue a qualified opinion. This signals that managers are trying to hide something, and undermines investor confidence. †¢Compensation packages where the reward to the manager is linked to firm performance. This includes performance related bonuses and the payments of shares and share options. Ambitious, lower managers are a threat to the jobs of inefficient, evading ones. External: †¢The lenders of a company also monitor; a bank for instance would track the assets, earnings and cash flows of the company it provides a loan to. †¢Managerial labor market: Poor managers may not get another job or get a much poorer one. Ultimately the most important indicator to the labor market of managerial performance is share price. †¢Capital Markets – A falling share price increases the threat of a take-over, which can often result in redundancies. More concentrated shareholding by outsiders can lead to monitoring by them and improve managerial performance. However there are a few problems with these solutions though, which make it possible for managers to circumvent them to a small extent. In order to keep the share price high, managers may focus more on short term profitability at the cost of long term profitability. They may use gimmicks to temporarily boost the share price and neglect spending on research, development and H. R. They may also provide sub standard products and cease providing services for old, or relatively less important products in order to reduce costs and make a quick profit. This damages the company’s reputation, reduces its competitiveness in the future and thus affects long-term shareholder value negatively. While block holders may act as external monitoring mechanisms, they can also have private incentives to go along with management decisions, which may be detrimental to firm performance. Writing better contracts may reduce the problem of asymmetric information, but not fully solve it. This is because the design of such contracts is technically infeasible due to various reasons such as the difficulty of foreseeing all future contingencies. Dispersed shareholders often do not exercise the few controlling rights that they have. This leads to a free rider problem where shareholders would prefer to let other shareholders do the task of monitoring as they cannot justify spending on it over the few shares that they each own. In order to resist takeovers, managers may design contracts that compensate them in the event of loss of control due to the takeover. They may also undertake targeted repurchases and devise a poison pill, which changes the fundamental aspects of the corporate rules without the knowledge of shareholders. While incentive schemes such as shares and share options are effective, they are still reactive in the sense that they provide no mechanism for preventing mistakes or opportunistic behavior. Managers may continue to focus mainly on quarterly goals rather than the long term as they are allowed to sell the stocks after exercising their options. By focusing on quarterly performance, managers could boost the stock price and avail higher personal profits on their subsequent sale of stock. Managers may also sell their shares as soon as they are high, leading people to think that they lack confidence in their own operations. This may adversely affect share price. Share options also increase the risk of EPS dilution from an increase in shares outstanding. Managers may often ‘window dress’ financial statements as the company must be seen to perform well in order to improve share valuations. They may report inaccurate information, especially if their short-term rewards outweigh their long term ones such as pensions. It also encourages shareholder approval, and so would lead to less difficult AGM’s. Many managers may hide the true value of assets in order to hide the losses they incurred while buying them. Window dressing also involves managers presenting statistics such that they highlight the perceivably best bits about the company’s performance and avoid emphasis on the worst aspects of the previous year’s business. Other common practices of this include disguising liquidity problems and fraudulent representation of liabilities. This gross misrepresentation of debts has been seen with Enron in the US, where $billions of long-term liabilities were hidden off the balance sheet. Its executive Jeffery Skiller, initiated the use of mark to market accounting, while hoping to meet Wall Street expectations. Enron ultimately became bankrupt while its shareholders suffered huge losses. Despite having model board of directors and a talented audit committee, Enron’s managers were able to make it attract large sums of capital to fund a questionable business model and hype its stock to unsustainable levels. Worldcom, a telecommunications company in the US, inflated profits by disguising expenses as investment in assets and inflated revenues with bogus accounting entries from corporate, unallocated revenue accounts. In mid 2000, its stock price began to decline and CEO Bernard Ebbers persuaded WorldComà ¢â‚¬â„¢s board of directors to provide him corporate loans and guarantees of over $400 million to cover his margin calls on Worldcom stock. The board had hoped that the loans would avert the need for Ebbers to sell the substantial amounts of WorldCom stock that he owned, as this would have further reduced the stock's price. However, the company ultimately went bankrupt and Ebbers was ousted as CEO in April 2002. The shareholders suffered massive losses as they watched World Com’s stock price plummet from $60 to less than 20 cents. Thus, we can see that while there is room for managers to indulge in personal wealth maximization, it is quite difficult to do so. Usually, the solutions tend to be adequate enough to correct the conflicts, and restrict manager’s discretion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Culmination is the Zenith Essay
Considering the blooming of the bud to be the zenith in being the flower, in lieu with the activity conducted, Culminating Activity is bringing out the best of what the child has learnt as a unit. BHIS emphasises on Trans disciplinary curriculum which correlates every aspect of learning done in the school. It is of immense importance that education is not just textbook and classroom learning but a practical and application oriented format of learning. Culmination activities do just that. These activities correlate the various developing skills relating to intelligence, linguistic, social, physical et al. This activity is conducted twice a year . The first being during the 1st term and the 2nd in the month of March. In the month of __________________ Grd. 1 had the first culminating Activity which had Water as its theme. All the students of Grd. 1 participated in it, making sure the learning on the theme water was complete in it’s own way. Working with the children of my class I understood that through this activity the children, who might have not actively participated in the classroom sessions of Water, were seen to be doing it here and very enthusiastically. The Culminating Activity consisted of a skit, Tiddalik the Frog, followed by a song. The children also gave a brief presentation on ‘Water’. Weeks of practice made this activity a huge success in the presence of the parents. It is also apt to note that this activity though small had a great role in building confidence in the children.
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