Saturday, May 23, 2020
an analysis of the qualifications of an Epic Hero - 887 Words
An epic hero is someone who goes down in history as being brave, courageous, and obviously heroic. They don’t have to be asked to save the day, and often times, they aren’t even saving their own people. There are several epic poems that come to mind when thinking about European culture and where it came from. These stories are held as sacred to many different people, and will always be studied whenever the topic of government or culture comes up. In these poems, or stories, there is always a hero that the story is centered around, often times even named for. These heroes include Achilles, Odysseus, Aeneas, Socrates, Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and Arthur; there are certain things about these men that make them heroes. Achilles is the ideal hero,†¦show more content†¦439) Unlike Achilles, Odysseus is a king. He rules his country with a firm hand, but cares for his subjects. During the Trojan War, he is one of king Agamemnon’s highest ranking officers, and is a man who is constantly sought after for advice. One thing that makes him a hero unlike others is that he is willing to ask for help and is humble enough to take advice. â€Å"Odysseus is one of the first Greek mythic heroes renowned for his brain as well as his muscle.†(Education Foundation) This makes him all the more powerful as a ruler. Aeneas is one who few think of when naming epic heroes, but his story is much like that of Odysseus. â€Å"While the figures of Homers work might have been praised by the Greek tangibility Publius Vergilius Maro, a statesman and poet during the Pax Romana under Augustus would come to harshly criticize the Greek epic ideal and redefined what it meant to be a man with his hero Aeneas.†(Krause) He goes through struggle after struggle, and is constantly tested. His bravery is what defines him as a hero. He can seemingly endure anything. He must take a journey to the underworld, similar to that of Odysseus. When one thinks of an epic hero, they thing strong, brave, and handsome; Socrates is not the man who comes to mind. When it really comes down to it though, Socrates is more of a hero than the others previously mentioned. HeShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesHRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAININGRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words  | 522 Pagesmixer of ingredients. The ingredients in Borden s marketing mix included product planning, pricing, branding, distribution channels, personal selling, advertising, promotions, packaging, display, servicing, physical handling, and fact finding and analysis. E. Jerome McCarthy later grouped these ingredients into the four categories that today are known as the 4 P s of marketing, depicted below: Marketing decisions generally fall into the following four controllable categories: †¢ Product †¢ †¢ †¢ Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century togetherâ€â€one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonizationâ€â€they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Cultural Values And Social Values - 1439 Words
Culture plays a key role in individual motivation. Culture is defined as, â€Å"†¦values, attitudes, meanings (attributed to language), beliefs, and ways of acting and interacting that are learned and shared by a group of people over a period of history and are often taken for granted as reality by those within the ‘said’ culture†(Glazer, 2002, p. 146). If culture defines our values and beliefs, then culture influences our cognitive representations of needs, in turn affecting how individuals perceive his/her own needs. Different perceptions of needs alter individuals’ goals and how they are achieved. The way we act and interact comes from our culture’s desire to express core cultural values. Looking into cultural values provides context for understanding what might motivate individuals. Hofstede (1980) and Schwartz (1999) have each developed a cultural values framework. Cultural value frameworks Hofstede’s dimensions of culture were postulated from access to an IBM employee survey database obtained from over 50 countries (Hofstede, 1983). Initial factor analysis matrices of 32 values questions developed four dimensions of culture: individualism versus collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity versus femininity (Hofstede, 1980). Later, a fifth and sixth dimension were added: long-term vs. short-term orientation and indulgence vs. restraint (Hofstede et al., 2010). These dimensions relate to Schwartz (1999) purposed three dimensions of sevenShow MoreRelatedSocial And Cultural Values On Economic Development1764 Words  | 8 PagesSocial and cultural values directly affect economic development through the attitudes toward progress and changes in perspective. Dynamics of economic development in different countries vary as those countries recognize the different values and views on the economy. Some societies that are valuing achievement and personal gain experience a greater and faster level of economic development than the societies that discourage personal achievement and collection of wealth. â€Å"Changes in social structuresRead MoreModernization And Western Cultural Values On The Social Status1666 Words  | 7 PagesFriday March 4 at 5:00pm. A.    In at least 5 sentences (with clear and distinct points) explain the impact of â€Å"modernization†and western cultural values on the (1) social status and (2) economic status of â€Å"Third World†women during the colonial period. (400-500 words) 5 points 1. The results of modernization and western cultural values on the social status and economic status in â€Å"Third World†women can be greatly attributed and resulted from colonialism, industrialization, and economic andRead MoreValues and Ethics in Social Work, Cultural Competency Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesIn the National Association for Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, there are many standards a social worker should uphold in order to promote a healthy and helpful relationship with the client. One such aptitude is Cultural Competence and Social Diversity, which is in section 1.05 of the NASW code of ethics (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). There are three sections associated with this competency â€Å"Social workers should understand culture and its function in human behavior and societyRead MoreSocial Cultural Factors : The Basic Beliefs And Values Of Consumers Essay1667 Words  | 7 PagesSocial-cultural factors outlines the basic beliefs an d values of consumers. It is the forces that influences an individual’s way of thinking, lifestyles and behaviors. Marketers must take into consideration the various characteristics of the consumers it is going to sell or target as this is vital in the development of marketing strategies, therefore, making the product or services appealing to customers. One important development is the changing and growth in racial and ethnicity, affecting theRead MoreBrainwashed By Advertising : A Cultural Force, Social Values And The Quality Of Life1410 Words  | 6 Pagescan be found almost anywhere from small town flyers to multi-million dollar Super Bowl TV spots. Advertising affects almost all facets of society, and although initially imagined as an economic tool, advertising is now, â€Å"a socio-cultural force, influencing social values and the quality of life,†(Bondrea and Stefanescu-Mihailia 341). Advertising has both positive and negative influences on society, and depen ding on opinion, these influences can outweigh each other. While advertising can be used positivelyRead MoreImpact of Media on Socio-Cultural Values and Social Institution in Indian Society10316 Words  | 42 Pagesand globalized political world, the challenge of the media is to provide extensive coverage of global politics and to examine the impact of these influences in specific national contexts. The mass media has a role to influence socio-political and cultural settings. Numbers of researchers have been conducting studies worldwide to investigate what they might contribute to an understanding of the economic and other factors that influence mass media, and how the media in turn influence the political climateRead MoreThe Social And Cultural Values Of The Peasant And Upper Classes Of Sicily Post Wwii Influence2209 Words  | 9 PagesAn Investigation into Salvatore Giuliano, the â€Å"Robin Hood†of Sicily: How did the social and cultural values of the peasant and upper classes of Sicily post WWII influence each classes’ perception of Salvatore Giuliano? Caitlyn Chiappini Candidate Number: Sturgis Charter Public School SL History Internal Assessment Session: May 2016 DATE Word Count: 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section A: Plan of Investigation . . . . . . . 3 Section B: Summary of Evidence. . . . . . 4, 5 Section C: EvaluationRead MoreWhat Are the Differences with Regard to Cultural Values Across Social Classes and Their Implications on Different Product Categories?1223 Words  | 5 Pages†¢ â€Å"emerging India†households could be classified into five groups based on annual household income (Social Classes): o â€Å"deprived†consisting of 103 million households of mostly subsistence farmers and unskilled labourers o â€Å"aspires†consisting of 91.3 million households including small-scale shopkeepers, famers with small areas of owned land, or industrial workers (expected this group would reduce from 41 percent to around 35 percent due their moving to the middle class o â€Å"seekers†consistingRead MoreValue And Its Influence On People s Living1533 Words  | 7 Pagesand fulfill the value of life, such as happiness, health , love, and making difference. On the other hand, values determine every life decision that people makes (Determine the true purpose of money in your life, 2016). Value is the monetary worth of something, which has great influence on indivudual’s behavior and attitude. When a purchase decision is made, it involves a value calculation. In general, value is measured by price. But the price does not really reflect the true value. The most commonRead MoreCross Cultural Psychology And Social Psychology1723 Words  | 7 Pages13 Signature Assignment Cross-cultural psychology involves the examination of relationships between cultural context and human behavior (Berry, Poortinga, Breugelmans, Chasiotis and Sam, 2011, p. 2). Research in the area of cross-cultural psychology is aimed at comparing specific covert and overt behaviors of two or more cultures. More specifically, cross-cultural psychology examines the â€Å"†¦similarities and differences in psychological functioning in various cultural and ethnocultural groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What is an Interest Group Free Essays
An interest group (also referred to as advocacy groups) is an organization organized by a special set of people with specific skills to lobby for or against a specific interest to benefit their cause. They usually lobby for one or more shared concerns to manipulate public policy and opinion especially in the U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on What is an Interest Group? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Congress to benefit their cause, supporters, or one segment of society. They include a vast array of organizations such as: charitable organizations, civil right groups, corporations, professional and trade organizations, etc. Their main goal is to publicly or discreetly promoting and creating an advantage for its cause. Different types of Interest Groups There are a variety of interest groups such as business/trade organization, agricultural groups, professional groups, labor groups, promote causes groups, promote the welfare groups, religious groups and last but definitely not leads public interest groups. A business/trade organization is created by merchants, business personal’s or owner’s and commercial organizations to represent both small and large business groups. An ideal example of these groups are the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, American Bankers Association, National Association of Manufacturers or N. A. M. (www. srvhs. org. Aug 26th, 2012). The sole objective of an agricultural group is to sort and look after the interest of farmers and farming policy. They represent a variety of farmers in the agricultural sector in the work force who specialize in diary, grain, fruit, livestock etc. Anything pertaining to farming and their specialized products. Arguable the most known agricu ltural groups are the National Farmers Union, The National Grange, and the National Farmers Bureau. Professional groups are classified as occupations that require extensive training through a certificate or higher education such as education, medicine and law. They are created to promote and protect their member’s occupational interests and safety. Examples include The American Medical Association or AMA, The American Bar Associate (ABA) , and The National Education Association (NEA). One of the well known interest groups is labor unions. It is an organization of workers who share the same type of jobs or work in the same industry. (www. srvhs. org. Aug 26th, 2012). They press the government to formulate policies that will be beneficial to their members. The largest and most well known labor union is the AFL-CIO (The American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations). Organized labor unions usually advocate with one voice on issues ranging from welfare to Social Security, employment and wages, etc. Promote causes groups are a large number of groups that either promote or advocate against a specific their members demand to be voiced upon. Examples include and not excluding the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), The National Right-to-Life Committee, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Planned Parent and the National Rifle Association (NRA). Promote the welfare groups are defined as interest groups seeking promote interest of a certain segment of the population and its welfare like minority groups. They include the American Legion, Vetarens of Foreign Wars, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Religious groups are interest that try to persuade policy in the favor of religious matters. Examples include the National Council of Churches, the Christian Coalition, the National Catholic Welfare Council, the American Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Defamation League. How to cite What is an Interest Group?, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Liquidity and Profitability Business Management †
Question: Discuss about the Liquidity and Profitability Business Management. Answer: Introduction In the given case, there is a sole proprietorship business at Kota Kinabalu area. The business is dealing in the groceries item. As an owner, different business requirements and the source of business is required. The bried description of the business, its products/services, location/address has been given. Besides that, the manpower it employs and the detailed source and types of documentation that is required in cost of goods sold, sales, payment and receipts have been shown. A detailed report of these have been given below(Alexander, 2016). The name of the grocery store will be A Z Grocery Store and the main reason for selecting such a name for the business is that all the types of the grocery material would be available at the store be it food material or fruits or vegetables. It also consists of frozen food, stationery, bakery items, health and beauty products, beer, wine and liquor, baby care products, dried food items, cosmetics, diet foods, etc(Goldmann, 2016). The business is located in Kota Kinabalu area of Malaysia. It is the capital of Sabah state which is the northern part of Borneo Island. The shop is situated in the middle of the market which is assessible to the people residing all around the city. The shop is open 6 days a week from Thursday to Tuesday and half a day on Wednesday. Full address of the shop is mentioned below: Payment to workers: Documentation There are 2 workers who are being employed in the shop. They are being paid RM 1200 per month towards the end of every month. The main documentation which is required at the point of time of payment of salaries is the Salary slip, the format of which is mentioned below. Besides this, all the details pertaining to a particular employee is already being maintained in the master file as to the no. of days of attendance, the salary package, the family details, the identity card, etc. The payment is done through cash or bank as per the convenience. There are various types of transactions which happen during the course of the business. Some of these are cash or credit prurchases, return outwards and inwards, carriage inwards and outwards, insurance, cash and credit sales, payment to creditors and other 3rd party vendors, receipts from the debtors and revenue recognition. There are numerous other transactions which cannot be limited to a fixed number. The documentation required for the following mainly include the invoices for sale to customers, credit and debit notes, bills for all the types of expenses, payment voucher for vendors, bill of entry in the of imports and exports, etc. Some of these are shown below. The month which has been considered here for the purpose of the documentation is March. References Alexander, F. (2016). The Changing Face of Accountability. The Journal of Higher Education, 71(4), 411-431. Goldmann, K. (2016). Financial Liquidity and Profitability Management in Practice of Polish Business. Financial Environment and Business Development, 4, 103-112. Retrieved from
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